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現在還沒下決定是這台【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦)好還是有別台推薦?
當然有人推薦【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦)
想了很多最後礙於金錢跟時間的考量我還是選擇買了【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦)
而且因為是在網路上販售並沒有在實體店面所以 沒有那些人事費用價格就可以直接回饋價格給網民
而且很多 知名購物商城加入會員以後會不定時送電子折價券,所以其實買到的價格很多時候都比標價便宜很多
華碩All-in-one PC A4310系列
具備增強效能及內建管理功能的 20 吋商用一體成型電腦
搭載第 4 代 Intel® Core™ 處理器
19.5 吋 LED 2 點觸控顯示器
內建 USB 3.0∕USB 2.0 連接埠、COM 連接埠、HDMI 輸出連接埠以及 VGA 輸出連接埠,可提供多樣化的應用
後置 DIMM 閘門設計方便您升級記憶體
VESA 壁掛配件供您靈活置放
處理器CPU Intel第4代 Core i5 1.9GHz (i5-4460T)
記憶體 SO-DIMM DDRIII 1600 4GB(2 x SO-DIMM)
顯示器 19.5吋(50.8cm), 16:9, HD+ 1600 x 900, LED-backlight
顯示卡 / 繪圖支援 NVIDIA GeForce 820M 1GB (On selected models)
光碟機 DVD-RW
網路 100/1000 Mbps
無線網路 802.11 b/g/n
電腦滑鼠 有線
電腦鍵盤 有線
傳輸介面 側邊:1 x 6 -合一讀卡機、2 x USB 3.0、1 x USB 2.0 、1 x 耳機、1 x 麥克風、1 x HDMI-out;後面:2 x USB 2.0 、1 x VGA(D-Sub)-Out、1 x RJ45 LAN、1 x Kensington Lock、1 x RS-232 (COM)
作業系統 MS Windows 7 Pro 64bit
尺寸 496 x 371 x 22 ~56 mm (寬x長x高)
重量 6.5 kg
【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦)
China not a mystery, says Dutch blogger who follows Chinese social media trends
THE HAGUE, Sept. 14 (Xinhua) -- "I hope to have a role in eliminating the misconception that China is a mystery," said Manya Koetse, a young blogger in the Netherlands who writes about Chinese social media trends.
With a degree in China studies from Leiden University and having lived in Beijing for two years, Koetse started the website "What's on Weibo" in 2014 which now sees some 200,000 visitors every month.
She updates the website almost every day with content ranging from odd news to business trends to in-depth analyses of social phenomena found on platforms such as WeChat and Weibo.
Koetse recently made an appearance in "China's Major-Country Diplomacy," a popular documentary series that displays diplomatic achievements China has made over the past five years.
A short clip of the six-episode series introduced Koetse and her website where she posts English stories of what she discovered in Chinese social media.
"China is playing a more and more important role in the world," she said in the clip filmed in the Dutch capital city of Amsterdam, "I really hope I can become a Western window on Chinese culture."
In an interview with Xinhua, Koetse said the series on China's diplomacy was "nicely done" and marked "an important moment in the history of China as a changing nation" with a "very important role".
Considering what she has done as only "a very little tiny part" of diplomacy, Koetse believes that "diplomacy doesn't only happen between politicians or governments, it also happens between people online."
Branding herself as a "China social trend watcher," Koetse focuses more on the "multidimensional image" of China reflected on social media, adding that "there's no other country in the world where you have such a digital revolution as in China right now, really changing people's lives."
"I always look at China from the bottom up, from the grassroots -- what's happening on Chinese social media, what people are saying, then from there I look at what it means in the bigger picture," she explained.
For her, social media is a "barometer" and "a finger on the pulse" on what's happening in the Chinese society, hence observing social media is "a very important angle."
There is a "big misconception" of China in the West, where media portray China only in "one dimension," said Koetse, adding that "they think it's like a different world, a different planet, but no, China is not a mystery. It's not that different."
【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦)筆電推薦【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦)筆電推薦2017 【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦) 電腦價格【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦)主機推薦 【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦)推薦品牌 【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦)筆電評價【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦)學生筆電推薦【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦)電競筆電推薦【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦) i7主機推薦 i5主機推薦 您或許有興趣的東西:
現在還沒下決定是這台【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦)好還是有別台推薦?
當然有人推薦【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦)
想了很多最後礙於金錢跟時間的考量我還是選擇買了【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦)
而且因為是在網路上販售並沒有在實體店面所以 沒有那些人事費用價格就可以直接回饋價格給網民
而且很多 知名購物商城加入會員以後會不定時送電子折價券,所以其實買到的價格很多時候都比標價便宜很多
- 品號:4937928
- 19.5吋觸控顯示器
- 內建USB 3.0連接埠
- DDRIII 1600 4GB
華碩All-in-one PC A4310系列
具備增強效能及內建管理功能的 20 吋商用一體成型電腦
搭載第 4 代 Intel® Core™ 處理器
19.5 吋 LED 2 點觸控顯示器
內建 USB 3.0∕USB 2.0 連接埠、COM 連接埠、HDMI 輸出連接埠以及 VGA 輸出連接埠,可提供多樣化的應用
後置 DIMM 閘門設計方便您升級記憶體
VESA 壁掛配件供您靈活置放
處理器CPU Intel第4代 Core i5 1.9GHz (i5-4460T)
記憶體 SO-DIMM DDRIII 1600 4GB(2 x SO-DIMM)
顯示器 19.5吋(50.8cm), 16:9, HD+ 1600 x 900, LED-backlight
顯示卡 / 繪圖支援 NVIDIA GeForce 820M 1GB (On selected models)
光碟機 DVD-RW
網路 100/1000 Mbps
無線網路 802.11 b/g/n
電腦滑鼠 有線
電腦鍵盤 有線
傳輸介面 側邊:1 x 6 -合一讀卡機、2 x USB 3.0、1 x USB 2.0 、1 x 耳機、1 x 麥克風、1 x HDMI-out;後面:2 x USB 2.0 、1 x VGA(D-Sub)-Out、1 x RJ45 LAN、1 x Kensington Lock、1 x RS-232 (COM)
作業系統 MS Windows 7 Pro 64bit
尺寸 496 x 371 x 22 ~56 mm (寬x長x高)
重量 6.5 kg
【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦)
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China not a mystery, says Dutch blogger who follows Chinese social media trends
THE HAGUE, Sept. 14 (Xinhua) -- "I hope to have a role in eliminating the misconception that China is a mystery," said Manya Koetse, a young blogger in the Netherlands who writes about Chinese social media trends.
With a degree in China studies from Leiden University and having lived in Beijing for two years, Koetse started the website "What's on Weibo" in 2014 which now sees some 200,000 visitors every month.
She updates the website almost every day with content ranging from odd news to business trends to in-depth analyses of social phenomena found on platforms such as WeChat and Weibo.
Koetse recently made an appearance in "China's Major-Country Diplomacy," a popular documentary series that displays diplomatic achievements China has made over the past five years.
A short clip of the six-episode series introduced Koetse and her website where she posts English stories of what she discovered in Chinese social media.
"China is playing a more and more important role in the world," she said in the clip filmed in the Dutch capital city of Amsterdam, "I really hope I can become a Western window on Chinese culture."
In an interview with Xinhua, Koetse said the series on China's diplomacy was "nicely done" and marked "an important moment in the history of China as a changing nation" with a "very important role".
Considering what she has done as only "a very little tiny part" of diplomacy, Koetse believes that "diplomacy doesn't only happen between politicians or governments, it also happens between people online."
Branding herself as a "China social trend watcher," Koetse focuses more on the "multidimensional image" of China reflected on social media, adding that "there's no other country in the world where you have such a digital revolution as in China right now, really changing people's lives."
"I always look at China from the bottom up, from the grassroots -- what's happening on Chinese social media, what people are saying, then from there I look at what it means in the bigger picture," she explained.
For her, social media is a "barometer" and "a finger on the pulse" on what's happening in the Chinese society, hence observing social media is "a very important angle."
There is a "big misconception" of China in the West, where media portray China only in "one dimension," said Koetse, adding that "they think it's like a different world, a different planet, but no, China is not a mystery. It's not that different."
【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦)筆電推薦【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦)筆電推薦2017 【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦) 電腦價格【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦)主機推薦 【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦)推薦品牌 【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦)筆電評價【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦)學生筆電推薦【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦)電競筆電推薦【華碩ASUS福利品】A4310-446BE003E(All-in-One 電腦) i7主機推薦 i5主機推薦 您或許有興趣的東西: